Friday, April 9, 2010

Chapter 5

5. 1. Arjuna is confused again. Tell me which one is better Karma Yoga or Sankhya Yoga(Yoga of Knowledge)
5. 2. Both lead to Supreme bliss. Karmayoga is better (since it is less difficult to practice)
Since majority of people are given to some action, karmayoga is preferred yoga for them Jnana yoga is for People who are contemplative and they are less in number
5. 3 He is forever a Sanyasi who neither hates nor desires. One who is above the pairs of opposites(dwandwas) is easily freed from bondage
Gita repeatedly says who is a Sanyasi. Not the wearer of saffron clothes, nor who heads as a pontiff of an organization, unless they are above dwandwas. These are outfits at body level. Sanyasa is renouncing at mind and intellect level. Dwandwas are pairs of opposites of every sort, respect and disrespect, heat and cold, love and hate. Again the sanyas calls for total abandonment of desires of all sorts. When we apply these two rules or dwandwa and desirelessness, you find feet of clay all around.
5.4 Both yoga are same and end in same result
5.5 One who sees both as same really knows
5.6 Sankya yoga is difficult to accomplish, a (karma)yogi whose mind is fixed on God, reaches Him quickly.
5.7 A (karma)yogi, with conquered mind and senses, pure at heart, identified himself with all beings, remains detached even if he acts.
5.8-9 Sankhya yogi has to think that he is doing nothing in all his day to day activities of the body, holding that it is the senses which are acting among the sense objects.
5.10 One who acts without attachment, and offers all acts to God, is untouched by sin, like lotus leaf in water
5.11 To purify themselves (inside),Yogis, giving up attachment, perform actions, with (only with)body, mind, intellect and senses
5.12 Yogi giving up fruit of actions, attains peace. A non-yogi attached to fruit of actions
Gets tied down
It is not what morally correct actions that determines, but your attachment to fruits of actions that gives you bondage
5.13 The (Sankhya) yogi relegating all actions to the 9 holed body, having mentally renounced all actions rests happy.
Mental renouncing means, giving up the feeling of ‘I’ from the acts.
5.14 Go does not determine the doer-ship nor the actions, nor their contact with fruit of actions, Nature alone functions.
5.15 Neither merit nor sin of anyone the Lord receives. Knowledge is masked by ignorance. Hence people are deluded.
Karmic or Natural laws operate without failure. Lord does not interfere in any of these. Or else, HE could have changed imprisonment to his parents or 12years of forest dwellings to Pandava kings of whom he was all the while protecting. What you saw you reap.
5.16 Those whose ignorance has been removed by Knowledge, wisdom shining like sun, reveals the Supreme
5. 17 Whose mind and intellect are merged in Him, who remain constant identity with Him, have become one with Him, their sins removed by Knowledge, they go without returning.
5.18 Pundits look without bias upon, a Brahmin with learning and culture, a cow, elephant, dog and a dog-eater
5.19 Even in this world is conquered by those who are established in equanimity, since the Brahman is untouched by shortcomings, therefore they are established in Brahman.
PURPORT: 5. 16-26
1. Whose mind and intellect merged in HIM
2. Remain constant identity with HIM
3. Become one with HIM (in thought, reason, deed)
4. (Sins wiped out- is a side benefit) Impartial to all beings
5. Free from doubt (same as # 1 above)
6. Above pairs of opposites, (pleasant or unpleasant)
7. Unattached to outside world (same as #2 above)
8. Enjoys the joy within (same as # 1 above)
9. Identifying completely with Brahman(same as #2 above)
10. Out from the power of lust and anger(same as #1 ,2, 3 )
5.20 He with reason firm, free from doubt, does not rejoice getting the pleasant, unperturbed getting the unpleasant, that knower of Brahman lives with Brahman
5.21 he who is unattached to outside (world), enjoys the joy within. He identified completely with Brahman, enjoys never-ending bliss.
5.22 The pleasures born out of sense contacts are the source of sorrow. They have a beginning and an end. Wise do not indulge in them.
5.23 Before casting off the body, who in this life able to withstand the turbulence born of lust and anger, is a Yogi(connected),and is a happy person.
5.24 Who is happy within, enjoys within, lit by inner light, that yogi attains Brahman
5.25 The sages whose sins have become least, doubts vanished, who are in constant self-control, and working for the welfare of all beings, get liberated.
5.26 Yatis who are free from lust and anger, who have subdued their mind, and have realized the self, for them Brahman is all present all around.
5.27-28 Shutting outside world, visualizing gaze in between eyebrows, equalizing out and in breaths, one who has brought under his control, his mind senses, intellect, and is intent on liberation, and free from desire, fear, anger, is ever liberated.
5.29 understanding that I am the Lord of the Universe, am enjoyer of all sacrifices, austerities, and friend of all beings, he attains peace.
27-29: How one is termed jivanmukta before giving up the body itself the person is mukta.
Essence is the mukta is mukta from desires, hence mukta from mind and hence mukta from the phenomenal world. The end is in the search or attempt and intent. Hence the peace eternal

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